Your Choice In Funeral Service
"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living."
Marcus Tulliuis Cicaro
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Funeral Services
We offer a full line of quality funeral services. We have a wide selection of caskets, vaults, liners, and urns to fit every budget. We are a full-service funeral home specializing in:
Traditional and Personalized Funeral Services
Domestic & International Shipping
Caskets, Vaults & Urns
Notary services
For Our Veterans
Gathering with friends and family gives everyone the opportunity to share memories, express emotions, and find comforting support. Whether you choose burial or cremation; whether you select a formal funeral or a memorial service, the need for acknowledgment of the loss with family and friends is ever present. We can help you create a unique meaningful ceremony to express the genuine individuality of your loved one.
We offer families a beautiful setting to come together to honor their loved one. You may certainly choose to celebrate their life in a more unique setting. No matter where you decide to gather together, such a service will make a difference in the lives of all who attend.